Lucy Schultze

Lucy Schultze

Founder and CEO of Red Window Communications

Lucy Schultze is founder and CEO of Red Window Communications, an integrated marketing and public relations agency. RWC’s work spans a broad range of client sectors, including nonprofit, philanthropy, associations, research centers and institutes, healthcare, holding companies, tourism, construction and professional firms. The agency has a full-time team of 10 based in Oxford, Memphis and Nashville.

Before starting Red Window, Lucy was an award-winning journalist and a former instructor of writing for integrated marketing communications with the University of Mississippi School of Journalism. She has been a contributing writer for Medical News Papers in markets including Mississippi, Memphis, Tampa, Fla., and Raleigh-Durham, N.C. After 13 years as a community journalist, she spent five years as communications coordinator for Oxford Treatment Center, a 100-bed inpatient facility for substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders.

In addition to her role as CEO, Lucy leads Red Window’s partnership with the Community Foundation for Mississippi. Funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, her role currently focuses on working with communities and media outlets around the principles of constructive journalism.